
4 posts

Race Recover Repeat

Marathon season is coming. But are you ready? Whether this is your first or your 50th, you’ve probably learned about a new… tweak your body is trying out this year. It seems as soon as you figure out one problem, another one crops up. It’s not your imagination. Your brain has a very simple flow […]

How often should I get a massage?

One of the most frequent questions I get is about how to schedule future massages. Without knowing your specific issue, response to massage, and level of commitment to self care, it’s a nearly impossible question to answer off the cuff.  Since that isn’t the answer you were looking for, here are the considerations that I […]

Stretching notes

With all the new research into stretching, it’s hard to be sure you’re doing it right. Should you move or not? Bounce it out? Hold it? What is dynamic stretching, and how is it different from a warm up jog? Why Stretch? Of course, some of us still think we don’t need to stretch because […]