Back in October, the amended establishment rules were sent to the Rules Review Commission. While the rules are still not ideal for actually preventing the type of trafficking we see in our industry, they were no longer in danger of putting a large percentage of legitimate but small businesses out of practice. However, there was […]
The Board meeting following the end of the public comment period was this past Thursday (June 21). Most of the effects from the meeting were good. By and large, the Board listened to our concerns and some very problematic portions of the regulations were removed, especially the portions that would put most businesses out of […]
Please check back as this post will be expanded as I figure out how to articulate the various items that were addressed. See previous posts here (with sample letter to send to NCBMBT) and here. Overall, the public comment portion of the meeting went very much like we would have wanted it to. I was […]
Updates on Board regulations! Thanks to persistent pressure from therapists and concerned clients, “the Board will vote on April 19, 2018 to amend the proposed rules to delete Rule .1005(1)(d) [minimum room size and 3 feet clearance] and to withdraw that portion of Rule .1005 from the rules to be proposed to the Rules Review […]
URGENT!! Keep your massage therapist from closing! #ShowUsYourLMBTs #LookBeforeYouBookAMassage Please visit this volunteer organized website for more information on how to protect yourself and the public. In Raleigh? Join us on April 19th to protest the changes proposed by the Board. Please check out THIS POST for updates! Recently the North Carolina Board of […]
There are a lot of terms that get thrown around when people are trying to be healthy. What do they really mean? Here is a quick rundown of the biggest and most often confused ones. Alternative Care: Alternative or Complementary medicine (CAM) is a constantly changing term, colloquially used to mean “not major medical.” It […]
Marathon season is coming. But are you ready? Whether this is your first or your 50th, you’ve probably learned about a new… tweak your body is trying out this year. It seems as soon as you figure out one problem, another one crops up. It’s not your imagination. Your brain has a very simple flow […]
You’ve run 26.2 miles, biked 112 miles, or swam 2.4 miles- or if you’re a little crazy and a lot determined, all three in one day. Your friend starts pulling you over to the massage tent, but you really don’t want to lay down because you might never get up. Right now, you want nothing […]
One of the most frequent questions I get is about how to schedule future massages. Without knowing your specific issue, response to massage, and level of commitment to self care, it’s a nearly impossible question to answer off the cuff. Since that isn’t the answer you were looking for, here are the considerations that I […]
There are a few large differences between massage as used for occasional aches and medical massage used as treatment.