Marathon season is coming.
But are you ready?
Whether this is your first or your 50th, you’ve probably learned about a new… tweak your body is trying out this year. It seems as soon as you figure out one problem, another one crops up. It’s not your imagination. Your brain has a very simple flow chart for whether a pain needs to be dealt with.
If you aren’t being chased by a lion, it’s probably going to ignore it. This is fine when all you do is sit at a desk. And even the type of endurance running marathons entail don’t affect this decision- running away is a sprint. Obviously, though, ignoring pain when you sit at a desk is not the same as ignoring pain while training for a marathon, but your body treats it the same way.
That’s why proper care is so important.
We’re here to help. If you want to get ahead of the game, check out our new Race Recover Repeat package, specifically designed to help you prepare and recover from your race so you can keep running for years to come.
- 30 minute stretch assessment: A series of orthopedic style tests help determine the root cause of your running faults, and stretches are reviewed to make sure you do them properly.
- 4-60 minute massages: Regular treatment helps fine tune your body. Stretches are again reviewed.
- Workout Care plan: Accountability is key. Check off your workouts and recovery work so you know you’re on track. Don’t let forgetfulness sabotage you!
- Race day checklist: A handy review of the things you might need, especially if you’re traveling, plus notes for your crew/ family on expected times, meeting points, and general travel information.
- 30 minute stretch assessment: Race day has its own troubles, no matter how well you prepare. Learn how to care for things that popped up so you’re prepared next time.
- 60 minute recovery massage: Part massage, part stretching, get everything worked out as soon as possible.
- 60 minute cross training massage: As you start working out again, treat the areas that linger or you aren’t used to working.
- 8 Best Stretches for the Everyday Athlete Handbook: Review your stretches regularly for good care.
- Tennis Ball Massage Handbook: How to get specific with your care!
- Pretty Healthy Quiz: We all say we’re “pretty healthy.” Take this fun quiz to check up on yourself.
- 18 Easy Ways to Improve Your Health: All the silly things we forget when we feel lazy.
- 36” foam roller with quick reference guide
- 18” stick massager with quick reference guide
- Two ounce bottle of Arnica pain relief cream
- Two cold packs
- Two tennis balls with self-care guide
(Already own this part? Take $100 off your cost!)
Want more information? Check out our pricing here!
If you’re ready to really run your best, call us to set up your first session! 704-806-8380.
Happy Racing!